A few months ago, on the 10th anniversary of publishing my first novel, I joined the stable of bloggers at Mad Genius Club which is a lively assemblage of trad-published & indie writers in a number of genres (with a concentration in SFF) and a great many enthusiastic readers.
You can find my weekly posts here.
I have found that I do not post frequently enough to sustain a healthy readership here (despite my deep gratitude for my few faithful followers!). But rather than copy my Mad Genius Club posts in both places, I think it is only fair to encourage your participation on that site with its varied and interesting ecosystem.
This does not mean, however, that I will not be posting here. This is where I will continue to post announcements about publications, articles about the business, and anything that is generally off-topic for the MGC audience, such as technical articles on publishing, business, indies, and the industry generally.
I very much enjoy my involvement with readers, writers, and others, and only wish I had more time to indulge everyone. Please don't hesitate to contact me for any reason whatsoever!
Enjoy your new digs! I keep waiting for updates on FB about the plantation . . . 🙂
Alas, I’m stuck here in PA subdividing our farm (in the teeth of no-available-workers for surveys, perc tests, etc., etc., etc.) It’s slowing everything down. 🙁
I always read your posts here – that won’t stop.
I get nuggets of information for my own publishing journey where and as they show up; what I need seems to be different from most other writers’ requirements, so I never know when something will float by that I can use (I’m exceedingly slow due to illness).
If you’re going to go to the trouble to write about something that helps you market, I’m going to read it to see if there’s anything I can steal/appropriate/use/retool.
Thanks for the past ones, looking forward to more – you’re an experienced marketer, and I have NOT hit any kind of a stride yet.
I think you’ll find plenty of marketing and other tips (not so much the technical how-to-make-an-ad, but the “what to say” kind of advice) on MadGeniusClub.
Hope to see you there sometimes, too.