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Month: February 2023

Many of my posts have moved for a while…

Posted in A Writer's Desk

A few months ago, on the 10th anniversary of publishing my first novel, I joined the stable of bloggers at Mad Genius Club which is a lively assemblage of trad-published & indie writers in a number of genres (with a concentration in SFF) and a great many enthusiastic readers.

You can find my weekly posts here.

I have found that I do not post frequently enough to sustain a healthy readership here (despite my deep gratitude for my few faithful followers!). But rather than copy my Mad Genius Club posts in both places, I think it is only fair to encourage your participation on that site with its varied and interesting ecosystem.

This does not mean, however, that I will not be posting here. This is where I will continue to post announcements about publications, articles about the business, and anything that is generally off-topic for the MGC audience, such as technical articles on publishing, business, indies, and the industry generally.

I very much enjoy my involvement with readers, writers, and others, and only wish I had more time to indulge everyone. Please don't hesitate to contact me for any reason whatsoever!